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1. There are certainly other signs of institutional self-reflection worth recording. 2. Constant self-assessment and self-reflection are part of our program. 3. He added: "Incidentally, thinking deeply or engaging in self-reflection counts as keeping busy, too. 4. It's been such an interesting process of self-reflection and discipline, exploring the multifaceted manifestations of fear . 5. They spawn moments of deep thought and self-reflection that challenge the status quo and help us evolve as sensible individuals. 6. Celebration of fallen enemies –without self-reflection –may be no more worthy than celebrating a victory at a football match. 7. Average tactics of implicit decision-making involve self-reflection, incubation, reinforcement and mental imagery. 8. This requires a certain amount of self-reflection—you have to care about what your behavior says about you. 9. Both paintings engage disability in relation to self-reflection, asking how art works put disability in the place of the beholder's mirror image. 10. Learn from self-reflection, for by learning, you can figure out how to handle yourself in the future, thus giving yourself the confidence to be a better person. 11. And they don't have the self-reflection to know it, and no one is going to tell them. 12. The mirror image suggests self-reflection, but in the absence of narcissism, because sign language mediates the action of self-reflection. 13. Furthermore, Oakeshott's notion of tradition does contain within it - in the idea of coherence - criteria of self-reflection. 14. The Hillsborough disaster seemed to encourage a period of self-reflection and greater public sympathy for the beleaguered game of soccer. 15. First, academic institutions have made only moderate progress in developing internal processes which encourage self-reflection and self-criticism at the institutional level. 15. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 16. Some of my ex-colleagues have quit their jobs and took months out to do some self-reflection. 17. This nation uses a series of complex, almost arbitrary, tests to select its elite, who learn to excel in exams and at certain set up tasks, but who also lack imagination and self-reflection. 18. But students likely to be at Harvard Business school could use the self-reflection a True North group requires, perhaps more than anybody, says Bisanz. 19. Not only that, it also hints to them about their behavior and helps them do some self-reflection. 20. "Self" simply refers to my owninteriorworld or subjective realities, which can be accessed byintrospection, meditation, and self-reflection. 21. Hartstein points out that we spend a lot of time on self-reflection, instead of what we can do next. 22. The power and prestige of neo-liberal theory no longer exist, the "Washington Consensus" has lost its reputation, the American laissez-faire capitalism was forced into self-reflection. 23. Just don't shortchange yourself in the process by rushing to adulthood, in so doing precluding education that is broad and self-reflection that is deep. 24. Holding on to a story of having been wronged by someone keeps us stuck in a dark and lonely hole – and digging ourselves out takes thoughtfulness and self-reflection. 25. And, in a rare moment of sort of personal self-reflection or self-reference, he notes somewhat drolly that the novelty of his ideas will make it difficult for them to find an audience. 26. It is the ultimate means of self-analysis, presenting an opportunity for self-reflection, self-expression and self-promotion.