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1. So, the hotspot is appeared on how to realize the survival of modern culture heritage with exploring the"immateriality"theory in it. 2. Moreover, the infection that immateriality to auditing risk cannot be ignored. 3. As immateriality culture legacy bashan folk song should be passed and developed in the new times. 4. Intangible heritage is also something called immateriality, so we can't simply regard it as material culture or spiritual culture. 5. The dissertation deems that the study of architectural aesthetic conception are paying more attention to "virtual" and "immateriality", rather than "reality" and "substantiality". 6. Firstly, the materiality and immateriality of color is discussed in the relationship between material and color. 7. Because of patent itself possessing immateriality, regionally and appropriateness, infringing cases often occur in the practice. 8. The second one is thinking of immateriality rules which is psychological factor and environment of distraction-culture and so on, and the operating mechanism which is made of other limiting factors. 9. This research shows that the immateriality of mind is a deep illusion. 10. Because of patent itself possessing immateriality, regionally and appropriateness, infringing cases often occur in the ... 11. Icon worship has different types of materiality and immateriality, of dominance and recessiveness, and of truthfulness and falsehood. 12. The kernel value on which enterprises rely is changing from materiality to immateriality. 13. Power resource is the varieties of subjective and objective condition and total of materiality and immateriality in the course of production of power . 14. At last, the author also expresses some suggestions for community education bases, "Courses", "Human resource" and the development of immateriality education resource. 15. The figure, in dark pants and red blazer, is flecked with strokes of blue paint that match the deep background of the canvas, suggesting his immateriality and the imagined space of the composition. 16. The characteristic of MIS development includes:high complexity, collective and creationary work, high quality, immateriality short history, low experience. 17. The expanding of enterprise value network promoted firms' boundaries to infiltrate and induced the immateriality boundary to separate from the materiality boundary. 18. And so, Descartes' attempt to establish the distinctness of the mind, the immateriality of the mind, on the basis of this Cartesian thought experiment, I think that's unsuccessful. 19. By expressing our actual experience, the artist reminds us that our science is incomplete, that no map of matter will ever explain the immateriality of our consciousness. 20. Then the author compiled the documents on this topic into two aspects: materiality and immateriality and came to another conclusion that the local legends had the feature of materiality. 21. Lately, through developing further, ship boxing in river south has been listed as an immateriality culture protection heritage project. 22. However, the freedom of aesthetic subject is based on the immateriality of the digital code, which provides both a chance and a trap for the subject freedom.