degree centigrade造句1, The liquid will crystallize at 50 degrees centigrade.
2, Water freezes at zero degrees Centigrade.
3, In summer, the temperature sometimes climbs up to forty degrees centigrade.
4, It's at 10 degrees centigrade.
5, Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade.
6, The temperature dropped to five degrees Centigrade.
7, The temperature dropped to minus 28 degrees centigrade .
8, The temperature in this room is twenty degrees centigrade.
9, In the summer, the temperature is sometimes forty degrees centigrade.
10, Forty degrees centigrade is the maximal temperature at which this chemical reaction will occur.
11, Temperatures inside the burning building are estimated to have reached 600 degrees centigrade.
12, The fuel tanks had exploded and the temperature in the burning fuselage was 2,000 degrees centigrade.
13, Saab claim that 78 degrees centigrade of heat can be stored in a saline solution for up to three days.
14, Temperatures in the south of the country reached 30 degrees centigrade.
15, It should cause a fall of around 0.5 degrees Centigrade, taking average temperatures back to those of the 1950s and 60s.
16, The Temperature has climbed to 40 degree centigrade.
17, I have a thirty seven point five degree Centigrade fever.
18, Working temperature: Temperature range is 0 – 40 degree Centigrade.
19, When the thermometer is at 0 degree centigrade, water will freeze.
20, Water will boil at 100 degree centigrade under normal pressure.
21, The predictions are based on a rise in global temperatures of 1 degree centigrade by 2025.
22, Finishing craft should be processed under the environment of 0 - 40 degree centigrade temperature and less than 80 % humidity.
23, The local time is 13:43 on March 13 th 2008 while the temperature is 14 degree centigrade.
24, The freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit or degree centigrade.
25, According to the weather forecast,[http:///degree centigrade.html] the temperature will drop three to five degree centigrade tomorrow.
26, His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.