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schwann cell造句
1. Studies on purified rat sciatic nerve Schwann cells have shown that proliferation invitro depends on mitogenic factors. 2. Do active axons stimulate developing Schwann cells or their precursors to divide? 3. Rat sciatic nerve Schwann cells were assayed for incorporation of DNA synthesis precursors,(Sentence dictionary) as described. 4. Objective To observe the expression of Schwann cell derived neurotrophic factor (SDNF) in developing lumber spinal cord of rats. 5. Schwann cell lines showed approximately 20% positive binding, the binding rate for oligodendrocytes was about 60%. 6. To develop a procedure by which Schwann cell and myelin in the peripheral nerve could be removed while the basal lamina tubes remained intact , and to obtain a long acellular nerve scaffold. 7. Objective To investigate the function of S-100 in Schwann cell during peripheral nerve traumatic degeneration. 8. Objective To study the effect of Schwann cell enclosed by antibody of neural cell adhesion molecule L1 on injured spinal cord. 9. Conclusion MRI can well reflect the situation of Schwann cell transplantation in spinal cord injury. 10. Objective To study the protective effects of Schwann cell derived neurotrophic factor (SDNF) on motoneurons of spinal anterior horn from spinal root avulsion induced cell death. 11. Transplantation of highly permissive Schwann cell - enriched peripheral nerve grafts may enhance regeneration in spinal cord injury. 12. Objective To study the effect of macrophages on Schwann cell activity and proliferation. 13. S-100 only appeared in Schwann cell in the peripheral nerve injury. 14. OBJECTIVE : To explore the effects of Schwann cell transplantation on the plerosis of injured midbrain neuron. 15. Neurons were negative to S-100protein, while Schwann cell and gliocyte were strongly positive. 16. These components include the basal lamina as well as the trophic factors released by neurons and Schwann cells following injury. 17. Thick nerve fibers in the normal structure of mitochondria of individual swollen Schwann cell swelling reduced the basic restoration of cell morphology. 18. Objective:To study the effect of methylprednisolone(MP) on the proliferation of Schwann cell cultured in vitro. 19. Conclusions With the application of the "M" serum - free medium, the technique of Schwann cell culture was simplified and the contamination of fibroblasts was effectively controlled. 20. Objective: To further explore the activity of neurotrophic proteins derived from Schwann cell serum free conditioned medium (SC SFCM). 21. Objective To review the advance in materials of nerve conduit and Schwann cell transplantation for preparation of artificial nerve with tissue engineering technique. 22. Objective:To set up a new semiquantitative measurement method of Schwann cell cellular NGF content. 23. Conclusion: by the use of trypsin and collagenase in digest process and the L polylysine differential adhesion method highly pure Schwann cell can be obtained in short time. 24. In nerves outside the brain and spinal cord, a sausage-shaped glial cell called a Schwann cell forms myelin. 25. This review concentrates on the biological effect of high glucose on Schwann cell.