快好知 kuaihz

(1) He wore a cap with tabs over the ears. (2) A mother keeps tabs on her children. (3) I like to keep tabs on my bank account so that I don't overdraw. (4) The police have been keeping tabs on Rogers since he got out of prison. (5) It's not always possible to keep tabs on everyone's movements. (6) He keeps tabs on everyone in the building. (7) With Lissa's money I picked up his tabs. (8) It's great for keeping tabs on where your money is coming from and going to and for tracking investments. (9) The dilaudid tabs were in the pocket of her cardigan. (10) Three thousand tabs of Ecstasy were handed over for a thick wad of notes. (11) Tearback tabs represent a lovely example of industrial design aping the very best of human innovation. (12) Probably disappointed to find it wasn't twenty-one tabs of acid. (13) These invisible tabs, if not removed, are responsible for text mysteriously jumping to an unexpected position. (14) Additional items such as colour, indentation and tabs can also be attached to the tag. (15) The Prince is rather easier to keep tabs on, but there is always the unforeseen to disrupt even the best-laid plans. (16) We try to keep close tabs on our boys in blue. (17) It was one way of keeping tabs on his profession, not pretension to culture. (18) They patrol land and keep tabs on the gangs after tip offs from gamekeepers and farmers. (19) Flight directors were keeping close tabs Tuesday on a frontal system in the Midwest. (20) Some even keep tabs on what World Wide Web sites people visit most. (21) Clicking on various tabs brings up different types of information[.com], from stock charts to weather maps to news briefs. (22) A psychologist will keep tabs on teams of youngsters and will stop the operation if they show signs of stress. (23) Before my first day at school my mother sewed tabs on all my clothes with my name on. (24) Although so little was heard from them, those who kept tabs on them were convinced that they were slowly fading away. (25) Anne Dickson, a local politician, said people had been keeping tabs on Hamilton for years. (26) This screen is set to display embedded markers which mark the position of tabs, carriage returns and text attributes. (27) They lack the stamina and the courage to keep close tabs on the mountain, he said. (28) For example, you can set up paragraph styles which include settings for fonts, tabs, margins and indents. (29) De Schalit sees the coalition as a watchdog that keeps tabs on the healthcare industry. (30) High boots were the in-thing - sleek and shiny with chunky zips fastened with huge decorative rings or tabs.