快好知 kuaihz

1 MAS learning is a domain intercrossed between MAS and machine learning. 2 Thus, a method with intercrossed concurrent and increasingly iterative perfection for the description of precedence relation in the dynamic CAD design has been worked out. 3 Data mining is an intercrossed subject, involving many fields such as machine learning, model reorganization, induction and deduction, statistics, database and high performance calculation. 4 Intercrossed dynamic characteristics related to the axis are not equal to zero, which illustrates that the axial of radial-thrust hybrid bearing has a relationship with the radial of it. 5 With the intercrossed development of polymer science and electronics industry, more and more attention has been paid to polymer because of its simple film formation and fabrication process. 6 Criminal law for the digital copyright is an intercrossed and marginal research field that come into existence recently . 7 Wireless sensor network is an intercrossed application between multisensor and wireless network. 8 The two drums transmissions are intercrossed for more reasonable weight distribution, realizing higher compaction quality in operation. 9 This change was obviously unbalanced and directed mainly by the state. The pluralistic framework of dispute resolving transformed from a co-existential state to an intercrossed one. 10 Two-way meridian lattice shell is the single-layer lattice shells structure made of two groups of intercrossed full-length scalene angle steel along the direction of the sphere lattice lines. 11 The low pureness of parents and the inferior quality of seeds are two prime reasons which makes the low-grade quality of seeds produced by intercrossed maize. 12 Thus it can be seen, in the aspect of wind erosion in agriculture and animal husbandry intercrossed zone of north China, wind erosion of countryside road must be taken into account. 13 As a large hot working equipment in ceramics line, kiln needs large amount investment, ranges over many subjects and many intercrossed projects in its construction. 14 Structured vanadium catalyst is a new, low-pressure drop catalyst with regular array of intercrossed flow channels. 15 Currently, there are many leaks in the management of plain tax invoices because of the absence of encryption measures and means of intercrossed audition. 16 The instable signal is abnegated and the steady signal is intercrossed for improving the precision through constructing adaptive function and the process of genetic selection.