快好知 kuaihz

(1) There was a glow-worm of humor in his eyes. (2) The glowworm isn't a worm. (3) They were glow-worms, the first I had ever seen. (4) Since glow-worms, fireflies, electric eels and many fish exhibit a similar phenomenon, the statement is not unrealistic. (5) Who remembers night sorties to see Yorkshire glow-worms and Gypsy Hill badgers? (6) Glow-worm larvae - and these larvae hunt snails. (7) Glow-worm larvae are poisonous predators. (8) The glow-worm while exploring the dust never knows that stars are in the sky. (9) We think of them as "dear little" glow-worm, but as larvae, they're frightening monsters - particularly if viewed close to like this. (10) This glow-worm effect still doesn't have many cases, but recently Japanese researchers discovered that the human body glimmers. (11) The movement of its antlers jerked Guy's hand, sending his cigarette arcing through the air like a flying glow-worm. (12) Most had already lit their fore-and-aft lamps, which twinkled like glow-worms in the gathering dusk. (13) It was an in-dwelling quality - the light of the tiny glow-worm, the light dancing in the waves. (14) Night drew on apace, the sentinel crickets were posted, the Glow-Worm and Fire - Fly lamps were lighted, and the camp sang to silence and sleep. (15) We are all worms but I do believe that I am glow-worm.