快好知 kuaihz

(1) The power to re-create them inspires a touch of hubris in geophysicists. (2) The Forestry Commission are making valiant efforts to re-create these old woodlands, and are trying to preserve the little that remains. (3) He had never meant to reclaim or re-create her, not in the flesh. (4) To avoid surprises, delete and re-create your workspace after changing the version control interface. (5) Like many cities in Germany, it had to re-create itself after the second world war. (6) Re-create. Get creative: Instead of your favorite angel-hair pasta, try substituting shredded zucchini to go with your marinara sauce. (7) You can later replay the script to re-create user interactions for a particular scenario. (8) This is true even if you re-create the account using the same name. (9) He has tried to re-create a kind of prelapsarian downtown where there is no crime or homelessness. (10) I thought, 'We have to re-create this experience for people and show them a double feature like this. (11) FAITH LAPIDUS: Project organizers hope to re-create wetlands in Picayune Strand and nearby lands by redirecting the flow of water in that area. (12) Vast areas of Rum have been fenced off for century-long experiment to re-create the natural woodland environment. (13) Although difficult in established businesses, an alternative is to re-create customer expectations rather than change the actuality. (14) Tokyo wants local governments such as the one in Minamisoma to decontaminate public areas, reopen schools and re-create a region that offers jobs and security. (15) A new government attempt to prop up that market, either with easy credit or forestalling foreclosures for months, will only re-create the same inflating conditions. (16) If you have an existing constraint and would like to take advantage of this feature, you must drop the constraint and re-create it. (17) And he made Death Proof so that he could re-create the fun and campy-ness of the films for a younger audience and so that he could improve upon the genre with his own wit and filmmaking know-how. (18) If you want those three predicates applied in the exact order in which you code them, you must drop and re-create the index (or create a new index) on (COLA, COLC, COLB). (19) After you drop the products and vendors tables, you re-create them, and the script exits. (20) Once the database is created, the only way to change a database code page is to drop and re-create the database with a new code page. (21) If you were to store the data in a real cache, then the system could discard parts of the cache to gain memory for other tasks because the client can always re-create the cached data. (22) For a procedure, an alter action is equivalent to a drop and re-create. (23) The security identifier stored in the object is invalid. You should delete and re-create the object. (24) This section describes the procedures to verify the configuration of your operating system, and to drop and re-create an instance. (25) Facing the falling of commercialized culture context, desirableness of material and market rules, how should literature, walking into the new century, go out the deep valley and re-create triumph? (26) Because of this, we were able to easily use the script and re-create the hierarchy. (27) If you need to add a new VLAN to an existing IVE connection, you must first logically destroy and re-create the underlying SEA device, possibly impeding any VIO client LPARs using that connection. (28) In addition, you must use the correct programming idiom to check if the collector has reclaimed the object before using it, and if it has, you must re-create the object first. (29) If information is specific to a single instance, a local cache is fine, as you can always re-create it if the instance stops functioning. (30) Initially, this image need not be the latest complete image of a production server: You are just trying to prove that you can re-create a server from one cloud in another cloud's location.