快好知 kuaihz

(1) Meanwhile, several Parnassus holdings were clobbered by disappointing earnings or other problems. (2) By this time, though, Dr. Parnassus is on his third stakes-raising bet with the devilish Mr. Nick, and the fate of Valentina herself is hanging in the balance. (3) To set the scene, Dr. Parnassus is an ancient and mysterious traveling showman whose horse-drawn theatre presents something like a Medieval Mystery Play by way of the Commedia dell'arte. (4) Attached to the flank of Mount Parnassus, the city of Delphi is considered to be one of the oldest cities to date. (5) Overall, however, the Vaults of Parnassus has provided an invaluable resource in building the architectural prerequisites of a strong Python community. (6) Utilitarianism is prevailing in the modern Parnassus. His cognition about the internal constitution of poem is the embodiment of aesthetic pursuit of modern poets. (7) On the Parnassus of Early Tang, although the traditional Confucianism Parnassian conceptions of Elegance and Ode are gradually accepted, the poets are still pursuing the art of poems. (8) He interpreted them as marking the line of a fault that ran along the south slope of Mount Parnassus and under the site of the oracle. (9) He was the fad of the hour, the adventurer who had stormed Parnassus while the gods nodded. (10) He praises himself as a sentinel on patrol in the world of poetry, always paying attention to the developments of Parnassus home and abroad. (11) And works published in the selective periodical of China poetry, China Poet Archives, HuaDong Parnassus, and so on. (12) In his chosen field Vince Lord could, and probably would scale the Parnassus heights. (13) The most famous oracle resided in the shrine of Apollo at Delphi, located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus . (14) So saying, he took his stand on a rock of Parnassus, and drew from his quiver two arrows of different workmanship, one to excite love, the other to repel it. (15) Zang Kejia left a rich legacy to contemporary Chinese Parnassus after he passed away. His new poetry creation still has profound influence on modern poets. (16) "Don't Go Gentlely into That Good Night" was written by Dylan Thomas, the distinguished poet of the English Parnassus in 1940s, for his farther when he was dying. (17) It is observed that the round moon illuminates the ancient and modern parnassus, and it becomes attached to the Chinese poetry. (18) Ulysses was told about this, so, when he was a tall lad, he crossed the sea and drove in his chariot to the old man's house on Mount Parnassus . (19) Their poems also apparently became dandyism sign and the hotspot attentioned by then Parnassus. (20) Wu's poems full of Paladin complex were evidently rare treasures in the content - inanition Parnassus of the Qi and Liang dynasties. (21) It is observed the round moon the and modern parnassus, and itattached to the Chinese poetry. (22) It lives up to its promise; but the Vaults of Parnassus have many more than 40 full-length scripts, covering a far wider range of purposes. (23) Faults, which were well exposed on the uplifted slopes of Mount Parnassus , had cut through bituminous limestone. (24) The first step in improving the social infrastructure of Python was probably Tim Middleton's creation of the Vaults of Parnassus (see Resources later in this article).