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accounting record造句
1. A company's accounting records must be open for inspection at all times. 2. In the case of a disputed payment, the payer would have to show bank account records. 3. Section 222 provides that accounting records are at all times to be open for inspection by officers of the company. 4. The capital account records purchases and sales of assets such as stocks, bonds, land, etc. 5. The journal is the accounting record in which transactions are first recorded. 6. Fixed assets well management based on correct accounting record physical assets check. 7. General Journal An accounting record of business transactions in chronological order. 8. Every accounting record must be complete and accurate, and has lawful vouchers as accounting certificate. 9. Step 1 involves sorting business transactions into an appropriate number of debits and credits to be entered on the accounting records. 10. Internal accounting control system is a part of internal control system and also a directly influential control of the factuality and reliability of accounting record. 11. To the fixed assets register by recording the fixed assets movement and make proper accounting record on fixed assets depreciation, disposal and revaluation. 12. The internal control can keep enterprise operate safely, well-regulated and accounting record correct. 13. Modern enterprises often appear in the form of groups. Each member of the group all has its own accounting record. 14. In a western accounting system , the information about each business transaction is initially recorded in an accounting record called a Journal. 15. To cooperate with other departments to review and physical count fixed assets, ensure accounting record is reconciled with actual situation of fixed assets.