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1) Its results show that DN mainly originated from irrigable land first, mound and hill second. 2) In addition to the above-mentioned irrigable areas, there are also about 10,000 hectares of land suitable for rain-fed sugar cane plantation in the Country (See Table 22 below). 3) The area of irrigable land in Guanzhong is 15 times as that of southern Qinling. 4) Of the 3.14 million irrigable hectares of land in the country, the World Bank says only 7 percent is currently being utilized. 5) There were counties in California that contained more acreage than that, and the figure included much of the easily irrigable land. 6) In response, the importing countries negotiated and in some cases leased land in other,[http:///irrigable.html] more irrigable countries to grow grain and produce biofuels for themselves. 7) For example, the growth of population in China, which had been held in check by the shortage of irrigable rice fields, got a boost from new crops that could be grown on marginal soil. 8) There are huge mountains covered with large forests, and wide, irrigable plains with navigable rivers. 9) Its ultimate aim is to provide year round irrigation facilities and increase the irrigable area of the country to higher limits. 10) Countries like Saudi Arabia, China and South Korea have all leased land in Africa, where the governments lease irrigable land for as little as $1 an acre.