快好知 kuaihz

(1) One teensy hope she held on to was that a workman or a house guest had left the pot there. (2) THAT some women may just possibly get the teensy -weensiest bit prickly before their monthly periods is widely acknowledged. (3) We could assess a teensy tiny, minute tax... on every transaction. (4) This teensy tree mouse (Pogonomys sp. nov. ) was discovered by the Smithsonian Institution's Kristofer Helgen. (5) Even if you can be a teensy bit more aware of when you touch your face throughout the day, you can reduce your germ exposure. (6) Could malaria-carrying mosquitoes be given a teensy head cold that would prevent them from sniffing out a human snack bar? (7) No putting things back in the fridge when there's a teensy bit left. (8) Yesterday, one of the circulation staff came in the workroom to share a nice gift he'd received from a teacher he always helps. And I confess, it made me a teensy bit jealous. (9) I guess I owe everyone an apology. All right, so I made a teensy mistake. (10) Sonya holds many eating records —her nickname is "The Widower" —and still manages to maintain her teensy frame. (11) My badass, action figure daughter is afraid to draw a teensy little drop of blood. (12) If those clumps grew large enough, you'd have a Q ball on your hands: a teensy blob of exotic matter roaming the universe in search of regular matter to assimilate. (13) I may be doing most things that might seem not practical or too teensy weensy ... I leave it to the reader to measure their own strides. (14) Unfortunately the context from which it comes is a teensy bit grim.