快好知 kuaihz

last ditch造句
1. It represents a last ditch attempt by the country to extricate itself from its economic crisis. 2. Seemingly mustered for a last ditch stand they in fact conceded defeat after only six days. 3. They'll fight the enemy to the last ditch. 4. They will fight reform to the last ditch. 5. He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle. 6. We were prepared to die in the last ditch to defend our city. 7. Those soldiers who fight to the last ditch are held in esteem. 8. He said the President was making a last ditch attempt to save his own neck. 9. As a species , humanity admires that last ditch , against - all - odds , eleventh - hour rescue attempt. 10. We were prepared to die in the last ditch to save the beautiful city. 11. In the last ditch we would rather die than surrender. 12. The military government was driven to the last ditch by the universal call for liberty. 13. The film companies, however, were pledged to fight the new medium to the last ditch. 14. They could not secure enough cash quickly and despite several last ditch attempts, went into receivership. 15. Kim gives him Jack's number at CTU as a last ditch effort. 16. All the soldiers are determined to die in the last ditch. 17. Once identified himself no brand or brand hope, may wish to play cards, even shooting than others to cheat a major suit, of course, the latter belongs to the last ditch plan.