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european country造句
1. Belgium was the first European country to possess a fully-fledged rail network. 2. If the tax systems are different in each European country, how can industries start on a level playing field? 3. The European country with the highest birth rate is Ireland. 4. Ming's never been to Spain, or to any European country for that matter. 5. No other European country had so few privately owned businesses. 6. Germany is an European country. 6.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 7. Sweden is a Northern European country. 8. Belgium is a European country. 9. Denmark was his favorite European country. 10. France is a European country. 11. Germany is a continental European country. 12. Albania is a European country located along the coast of the Adriatic Sea. 13. It will enter British and other European country at the beginning of 2009. 14. You can't let the French be the only European country with their own deterrent. 15. History of the western European country the ancient times, if Carthage, Greece, Persia, Rome. 16. Britain became the first European country to legalize the creation of cloned human embryos. 17. If Germany, the strongest and safest European country, now has to struggle to finance itself, the two-year-old European sovereign debt crisis has reached a new and even more dangerous phase. 18. WHICH small western European country is known for its delectable chocolates and wealthy bankers? 19. Britain dumps more of its waste than any other European country. 20. No longer was it just another middle - sized European country, vaguely defined by Rembrandt and tulips. 21. As aproportion of GDP , Danish companies attract more venture capital thanany other European country. 22. From the British Isles , not far across the English Channel is the next European country, France. 23. This kind of invention was introduced from a western European country. 24. Now they are playing opposition from another continent, let alone another European country. 25. It now stands at 6 %, according to Jupiter Research - less than in any other big European country.