快好知 kuaihz

1. Do you think she was wearing a wig? 2. She was wearing a blonde wig. 3. The actress wore a black wig over her blond hair. 4. When he put on the wig and false moustache I could have died. 5. She wore a powdered wig, as was the fashion of the day. 6. He disguised himself with a wig and false beard. 7. Judges wear a wig in court. 8. She wore glasses and a wig as a disguise. 9. Wigs are hot and uncomfortable to wear constantly. 10. Is that real hair or a wig? 11. In Britain, judges wear white wigs in court. 12. I couldn't help noticing she was wearing a wig. 13. Who's that man in the wig? 14. The wig seemed to perch on his head. 15. The judge wore a wig and all the trappings of his position. 16. Nobody said a thing when he appeared with a wig on. 17. A teen - ager wigs out over a rock music group. 18. She disguised herself with a blonde wig and dark glasses. 19. His wig was now at a slight angle. 20. My second milestone was Sholay. My role though small, required detailed study. I was given the specially made costume and wig and also books of World War II which ex¬plained Hitler’s various gestures. I was even made to go through a trial attended by the writers as well, to ascertain whether I fitted into the role or not. The film was a super success and till date, people remember my dialogue, "Hum Angrezo ke zamane ke jailor hain".Asrani 21. I have wigged him well. 22. He was wigged out on the film. 23. He wigged me for being late. 24. The teacher wigged him for absent - mindedness . 25. The wigged gentleman sitting opposite, still looking at the ceiling of the court.