快好知 kuaihz

stash away造句
1. He has money stashed away in the Bahamas. 2. Maybe he is stashed away in the wardrobe. 3. She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts. 4. His ill-gotten millions are all safely stashed away in a Swiss bank. 5. He'd probably got thousands stashed away. 6. What she did not mention in her log was that she had found a bottle of liquor that Bill had stashed away. 7. She found the bottle of liquor that Bill had stashed away. 8. They have lost heart, stashed away their manuscripts and told themselves they were never really writers anyway. 9. I wondered how much more he'd got stashed away in there. 10. All thoughts of Seal Sands Lock were stashed away, safe from the mockery of people like Gazzer. 11. I should secretly stash away some money. 12. So stash away small amounts of money in an emergency fund, and make sure you use it – well, only for emergencies! 13. Stash away both what you lost and gained , for life continues on. 14. Some women furtively stash away their husband's money over the years on the pretext that it would be of some assistance if he has to die first. 15. For example, if you stash away 20 percent for investing in mutual funds, a Roth IRA, or real estate, you'll make your money work for you. 16. Even as they stash away this year's bonuses, the bankers are betting that politicians and regulators will bow before demands that they protect London's "competitiveness". 17. Members of the government seem to regard it as their right to stash away as much cash as possible. 18. Or if China were after commodities, rather than countries, it could stash away 25bn barrels of Brent crude. 19. Her mother, Xing Xiuqin, 60, bragged that she managed to stash away 80 percent of her income before retiring.