快好知 kuaihz

1. Her voice had the pubescent innocence of a junior high school majorette. 2. The less pubescent diner can cast a detached eye on this ritual from six Formica-topped tables inside the tiny deli-restaurant. 3. Like pubescent first-timer thirteen-year-olds, they are to be avoided if you want more from life than cheap betrayals. 4. A pubescent girl regarded as sexually desirable. 5. Young twigs and buds reddish brown pubescent. 6. Raceme rachis and pedicels pubescent or puberulent ; bract and bracteole usually borne on distal 1/2 of pedicel. 7. Ah , leave me alone in my pubescent park, in my mossy garden. 8. In this paper, the dynamics of pubescent hornbeam populations in karst mountain of Guiyang are analysed by using the method of substitution of space for time. 9. Samara pubescent; leaf blade abaxially sparsely pubescent, adaxially hirsute or with convex trichome scars, base attenuated to rounded, apex shortly caudate. 10. Result: Corydalis Tuber , Pubescent Angelica can be examined out by TLC chromatogram. 11. Leaves white pubescent on both surfaces. Tepals white or pale rose, unspotted . 12. Sepals oblong, erect, glabrous or pubescent, base of lateral pair not saccate . 13. When did Dumbledore bouncy , pre - pubescent poster boy of those early Potter outings – get so old? 14. Description: Herbaceous vines, glabrous except for pubescent on stem nodes, petioles, and leaf margin. 15. I had seen this stuff sticking out of the sides of sand-dunes, sparse as pubescent whiskers. 16. But insiders say the clean-up is really aimed at booting scores of barely pubescent, panhandling road-warrior wannabes from the Avenue. 17. Culm sheath auricles falcate, long. Leaf blade abaxially minutely pubescent along one or both sides of midrib. 18. The dynamics of the soybean aphid Aphis glycines, fed on glabrous soybean and the pubescent soybean plant, was observed in the laboratory. 19. Leaves sessile or shortly petiolate , petiole to 5 mm; perianth tube not pubescent inside. 20. Description: Scandent subshrubs , to 2 m tall , stems, petioles, and inflorescences thin pubescent, glabrescent. 21. As they find themselves banished in the wilderness, you can't help but miss that other woodsy, pubescent film trio: Bella, Edward, and Jacob.Sentence dictionary 22. Resection of prostate can make both testicular atrophy and pre - pubescent will also stop destroying, pituitary prostate. 23. Current year branchlets stout, 2-ribbed; leaf blade thickly leathery, abaxially reddish brown when dry; sepals pubescent. 24. Inflorescence racemose to 7 cm at fructification , densely yellow pubescent. 25. Drupe globose, ca. 4 mm in diam. , mixed pubescent and glandular-pubescent, red at maturity.