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1. Leaf blades thinly hispid on both surfaces; tubercle-based bristles present on margins for most of length from base. 2. After we dissected 4 breeds of Benincasa hispid, we discovered that there are relationship the epidermis and cortex, the quantity of stoma for the antiseptic of Benincasa hispida. 3. Methods:Takes aqueous solution"P. hispid ", "P. asiatica" and "P. vulgaris" as the reagent to H37RV strain for drug sensitivity. 4. Pedicel and calyx hispid; flowers solitary or 2 or 3 together in short raceme. 5. Herbs ca. 1 cm tall, sparsely short hispid or subglabrous . 6. Stems single or several and cespitose , branched above, densely hispid, hairs discoid at base; branches slender, spreading.