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income tax deduction造句
(1) An income tax deduction is allowed for bad debt. (2) An income tax deduction si allowed for bad debt. (3) Income tax deduction for every deal 5%, carry less 5% commission, bonus, "th hair." (4) Corporations can also claim an income tax deduction for dividends paid on ESOP-owned stock. (5) Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation clear the individual income tax deduction standard. (6) Additional benefits can be paid to the GST calculation of the income tax deduction. (7) Contributions to the Rotary DAF typically qualify for a U.S. income tax deduction. (8) Some employers would rather save the $65.00 and not get the income tax deduction for the expense. (9) American families, which host foreign students, are not paid, though they are allowed a small income tax deduction.