快好知 kuaihz

1, I think we're talking at cross-purposes. 2, The two friends find themselves at cross-purposes with the officials. 3, He is always at cross-purposes with others. 4, They were talking at cross-purposes. 5, We must be talking at cross-purposes. 6, The matter put us at cross-purposes with them. 7, I hated to be at cross-purposes with Jesse, whom I admired, especially for his efforts to persuade black youngsters to stay in school and off drugs. 8, Administration officials insist the two policies are not at cross-purposes. 9, I wouldn't want us to find ourselves talking at cross-purposes. 10, The present system of managed floating does contain the possibility of direct conflict if official intervention is carried out at cross-purposes. 11, At the moment we are sick of politics with one faction at cross-purposes with another. 12, In a healthy legal system the values of order and justice are not normally at cross-purposes. 13, To help deal with that, a number of grouplet organizers meet once a week to make sure they are not at cross-purposes. 14, Either way, they highlight how the G 8's supposed goals work increasingly at cross-purposes.