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rummage sale造句
1. Every time a box came in for the rummage sale, I was downstairs with my flashlight. 2. Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes. 3. The firm, decided to have a rummage sale to clear out the collection of old stock. 4. The town is hosting a fund-raising rummage sale for charity to build a shelter home for hobos . 5. Lord, the house look a like a rummage sale, yes. 6. The students are holding a rummage sale tomorrow to raise money for a schoolmate who meeds an operation. 7. Their clothes might have come from discount stores or rummage sales. 8. "Ollie, love, " she called, "could you please give me a hand this box for the rummage sale?" 9. In Hall Seven of Hong Kong's Convention and Exhibition Center, table after table is stacked with strings of pearls, looking more like a rummage sale than a display of luxury and elegance.