快好知 kuaihz

a battalion of造句
(1) The President stood as a battalion of soldiers paraded past him. (2) A battalion of infantry that was marching towards the cabriolet shuffled on to the grass verge. (3) The next goal is to amass a battalion of troops that can quickly raze infested Terran structures during your brief windows of daylight. (4) A battalion of brick buildings along the riverfront in Apalachicola reverses time some 170 years, back to the town's heyday as a thriving shipping port for cotton. (5) A battalion of combat - hardened public - relations officers stood on red alert twenty - four hours a day. (6) A battalion of about 1,000 Burundian troops was deployed earlier this month and the rest of the reinforcements are expected later this year. (7) A battalion of Nassau , seven hundred strong, was overwhelmed there. (8) A battalion of 320 soldiers from the SPLA and 319 from Khartoum is in place. (9) a battalion of supporters. (10) A page of Herodotus would have been sufficient to put a battalion of biblical scholars out of action. (11) It was at the season when the grain is tall; on the edge of the plateau a battalion of Kempt's brigade, the 95th, armed with carabines, was concealed in the tall wheat. (12) At press time, King Leopold was reportedly planning to amass a battalion of 1, 200 hardy foot soldiers, including 50 mighty water bugs, to seek out the location of the bedbug stronghold. (13) Jack : Sounds like she could hold her own against a battalion of tanks. (14) Will he make you all officers over a regiment or a battalion of soldiers?