preach down造句 1) The world people preach down terrorism and violence. 2) We fail to preach down the people. 3) They preached down war and violence. 4) One should not preach down criticism. 5) Article 130 Lawyers and law firms may not preach down other lawyers or law firms and their services in the lawyer's advertisements they publicize.英文造句horse powerself-assuredgastrointestinalcloud nineboursebywordbougainvillaeabejewelledmanoeuvrablePersonal Assistantsalivaryin the shadow ofpersonhoodtamperetomorrow afternoonindustriallytomorrow morningintegrallyharmoniouslypolyvalentluxembourghandilyinvitinglybrownoutchimaerabad-mouthbonkbig toespittle