快好知 kuaihz

1 Thousands of men struggled humiliatingly for jobs. 2 The painting was reproduced humiliatingly small. 3 Germany had to ask, humiliatingly, for lenient implementation of the Stability Pact it had insisted upon, and the European Union agreed. 4 He was caught cheating during the Seoul Olympics and humiliatingly stripped of his title. 5 Like the king, Page had a strong advocate: a coach who helped him as a teen win second-place in a speech contest after a humiliatingly bad performance the previous year. 6 In the space of ten days its ambassadors have been humiliatingly forced out of two of them: Turkey and Egypt. 7 But the unions are weak: a previous strike in September 2010 fell humiliatingly flat. 8 Despite his losing the Battle of Waterloo and being humiliatingly sent to exile on St Helena, Napoleon is still revered in France.