microarchitecture造句1. Once both ISA and microarchitecture has been specified, the actual device needs to be designed into hardware.
2. The circuit characteristics are abstracted at microarchitecture level and a microarchitectural peak power estimation model is implemented.
3. Next comes the microarchitecture level, in which the physical devices are grouped together to form functional units.
4. However, the microarchitecture and bone strength of GC-2 recovered to a similar level of the controls.
5. In a typical microarchitecture, a processor has its bus turned on even when it is not in use.
6. Construction and design of the machine-independent microarchitecture description language CHMDL are introduced in this paper.
7. It is both a microarchitecture technology and a compilation technology.
8. "The MONARCH microarchitecture is unique in its ability to reconfigure itself to optimize processing on the fly," Uros says.
9. Initial products based on this microarchitecture are expected to be in production in the fourth quarter of this year.
10. Products based on the new microarchitecture will deliver high performance and energy efficiency.
11. In this paper, we propose a kind of microarchitecture for multithreading microprocessors: EDSMT.
12. Osteoporosis is a major public health problem, which is characterized by low bone mineral density (BMD) and deterioration of bone microarchitecture, leading to increased risk to fragility fracture.
13. However, once the cells are free, it's difficult to assemble them into structures that mimic natural tissue microarchitecture.
14. Low power technology is concerned increasingly by the researchers of architecture and compiler for next generation microarchitecture processor system.
15. The experimental result shows that the dual thread processor based on MOSI microarchitecture improves the total throughput by 40%.
16. Finally the third phase will be based on a new microarchitecture, Haswell, which Intel should release in 2014.
17. Does Exercise Modify the Effects of Zoledronic Acid on Bone Mass, Microarchitecture, Biomechanics, and Turnover in Ovariectomized Rats?
18. However, today we introduced to you an FX processor based on the new Bulldozer microarchitecture but designed for the desktop segment.
19. Conclusion. The current investigation demonstrates that the changes in microarchitecture and mechanical properties were comparable with those observed in humans after long-term GC treatment.
20. Therefore, efficient control-flow handling will continue to be one of the central challenges in microarchitecture design.