快好知 kuaihz

1. Many campus Christian organizations cross denominational lines. 2. Within the denominational sector this renewed emphasis was considered to be an excellent forward step. 3. The total of those favouring denominational schooling in the initial survey was less than one-third. 4. Since the 1830s, these schools, and other denominational schools, had received government grants. 5. If the practice of subsidising denominational schools is regrettable, in Northern Ireland it is catastrophic. 6. We do not try to give it a denominational name. 7. Will the denominational bond overcome the competitive drive of the market economy now introduced into teacher education? 8. How will these reforms impact upon denominational education needs, those of the Roman Catholic sector in particular? 9. Denominational disintegration is a tragic, but predictable, sight. 10. Other denominational differences have to do with church government. 11. In 1964, reports the National Council of Churches, denominational allegiance rose about 2%, compared with a population gain of less than 1.5%. 12. Mr Wahl thinks the community, less split along denominational lines than elsewhere, is there to stay. 13. Hidden Life Ministry Inc. Is a Christian, non- denominational , non-profit organization established in the USA in 2004. 14. Chinese church leaders who have not had a denominational influence for half a century, prefer to have their own worship styles and even indigenous theologies . 15. Protestantism also comprises numerous denominational families (e.g., Baptist, Methodist, and Pentecostal) that fit into one or more of the above traditions. 16. St Joseph's claims the Council would be contravening the Education Act by discriminating against schools on denominational grounds. 17. The principal means for educating Nonconformist ministers were the various denominational colleges. 18. Over 3, 000 responses from congregations, inter-church study groups, denominational theological commissions and executive councils were received. 19. The conference will also discuss the legalisation of the use and sale of cannabis and whether denominational schooling should be ended. 20. All major denominations strove to raise standards for lay preachers; methods chosen included free circulating libraries and denominational courses and examinations. 21. Also, in 1974, an adoption Act made it possible for couples of mixed denominational or religious origin to adopt. 22. He is exploring closer links with Diocesan and other denominational youth bodies which overlap in their aims. 23. The Black church community has sought to bring together Christians from different denominational backgrounds. 24. But we can't mention his name in a public school or even sing religious hymns that are non- denominational . 25. Students of divinity are typically preparing for ordination in some form of Christian ministry, such as pastor, seminary professor, or denominational administrator. 26. To establish any form of state-sanctioned religious activity in the schools threatens to introduce denominational hostility. 27. We desire to champion this gospel with clarity, compassion, courage, and joy—gladly linking hearts with fellow believers across denominational, ethnic, and class lines. 28. During the conflict, “patriotism itself became sacralized to the point that it enjoyed coequal or even superior status to conventional denominational faiths.” 29. Members'schools include day and boarding, and are of religious and non - denominational affiliations.