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ham radio造句
1. Check out the Ham Radio Antenna Projects here! 2. He and his brother are ham radio operators. 3. This is an Amateur TV ( Ham Radio ) Repeater. 4. I'm a Ham radio operator and spend some time working with radios and electronics. 5. I became a ham radio operator at the age of eleven. 5. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 6. They checked every known communication media, including ham radio, police walkie-talkies and cellular phones, as alternatives, but all failed to find a static-free connection for such diverse signals. 7. Ham radio operators in Serbia contacted them trying to confirm rumours of Bosko's death. 8. Ham radio call sign on - line , indexed by call, name; and address. 9. I shall never never never forget your back yard, planetarium and ham radio shed. 10. What it's not is live chat -- real - time conversations like those on ham radio or CB.