bris造句 1. He falls asleep sometimes, slumped in the chair, a hand curled bri the broadloom rug. 2. Then she remembered Kev's little bundle of newspaper cuttings, and she turned to Bri with a kiss. 3. When I tried I found I couldn't, but Bri took pity on me and we spent hours playing cards. 4. Polly the tea-lady was also going out - with Bri, the long-distance lorry driver, and their friends Len and Betty. 5. During the bris, the baby boy is circumcised.英文造句coconut palmprecisenessdampproofautomated teller machinevery important personsugarcanenail polishdebilitationphiliahop offgasoholbank loanhomozygotehazelnutreturn on investmentdrawing lotswestern roman empirerisk managementunitarianmonitionslavishlycoastlandirremovableglorificationaperyundefeatedmitertake interest indispatcher