national currency造句1. First, most people like their national currency.
2. Here the dollar gradually replaces the national currency as a reserve value, means of payment and unit of account.
3. This is not the case when a national currency is replaced by a foreign currency.
4. Most are unhappy that it has replaced their national currency, according to a poll published in eight countries this week.
5. If there is no insulating national currency, declining competitiveness must translate directly into unemployment.
6. No wonder the population lost faith in the national currency.
7. In addition to the tariff war,[http://] the national currency has also launched a war.
8. Riel (currency code KHR) is the national currency of Cambodia. It is used mainly for buying local produce and other merchandise.
9. The standards for basic unit of a national currency vary by country.
10. Borders vanish; National currency disappears, sovereign laws and rules become predetermined by common European regulations.
11. Thousands of residents could walk about the city observing the fall of the national currency.
12. As prices for other foods, electricity and gasoline more than tripled, the national currency, the lev, crashed.
13. The name of the Belarusian currency comes from the Russian rouble and was left after the collapse of the Soviet monetary system and Belarus" refusal to introduce a national currency.
14. The Indonesian rupiah was introduced on 2 November 1949 as the new national currency.
15. Analysts also say the seriousness of the crisis will depend on whether Greece stays within the euro common-currency zone or is forced to leave it, and return to the drachma as its national currency.
16. Integrated these two aspects, the interest rate rise will push up the national currency exchange rate.
17. On the contrary, foreign exchange reserves fell to lure the national currency rate will be decreased.
18. Currency theory demonstrates the historic logic of its transformation from free currency to national currency then to global currency. It's a spiral progress of "general equivalents".