快好知 kuaihz

talk on the telephone造句
1. She told the children to pipe down while she was talking on the telephone. 2. The last time you and I talked on the telephone, you called me last year when I was a loser. 3. We talk on the telephone once a week. 4. When you feel secure enough to talk on the telephone to your on line friend, give him or her a work, cellular phone or pager number rather than your home telephone number, or get theirs. 5. Talk on the telephone after you are comfortable giving your phone number. 6. Your average house pet cannot open refrigerators, talk on the telephone or surf the Net. 6. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 7. When you feel secure enough to talk on the telephone to you on line friend, give him or her a work, cellular phone or pager number rather than your home telephone number, or get theirs. 8. Explore that way of connecting before you talk on the telephone or meet face to face. 9. Cyberspace, says essayist and lyricist John Perry Barlow, is where conversations are conducted when two people talk on the telephone. 10. Bells sound. Lighted messages appear. Men and women work at computers. They talk on the telephone. At times they shout and run around. 11. They may lean far back in their chairs and even put their feet up on the desk while they talk on the telephone.