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(1) Methods: Twenty - six cases of old unreduced Monteg - gia fracture were managed operatively. (2) Unreduced gametes are common in plants and likely represent the most frequent route to polyploidy . (3) The formation of unreduced gametes leads to spontaneous chromosome doubling, which has a great significance in the origin of common wheat. (4) And union of unreduced gametes is the most important mechanism. (5) When PO is adsorbed on the support and unreduced catalyst, a ring-open reaction occurs through the interaction of PO with Si-OH on the support surface. (6) Attempted to establish unreduced three-dimensional model of wire mesh filter, and simulated it on single and two phase condition. (7) The unreduced palate has sweet malt biscuits, strawberries and black pepper and a touch of menthol, with a warming chocolaty finish. (8) A four - month - old female baby was diagnosed to have an unreduced intussusception after a barium enema. (9) The major cytological mechanisms of polyploid formation are union of unreduced gametes, somatic doubling and polyspermy. And union of unreduced gametes is the most important mechanism. (10) It is a new kind of large displacement actuating materials composed of reduced and unreduced layers. (11) Objective To discuss the surgical treatment methods and their clinical applications in old unreduced Montcggia fracture in children. (12) Ben Jones and Amy Jing report on efforts to tackle "the last great unreduced health-care cost". (13) Jim Gee, director of Counter Fraud Services at PKF, calls health-care fraud "the last great unreduced health-care cost". (14) Polyploids can arise by somatic doubling, by the fusion of unreduced gametes, and by means of a triploid bridge. (15) RAINBOW (Reduced And Internally Biased Oxide Wafer)piezoelectric ceramics are a new type of stress-biased, unreduced -reduced composite ceramics, which have a special arc structure.