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X direction造句
1. There is no acceleration in the x direction. 2. It's way smaller than the excursion in the x direction, provided that your angle is small. 3. These are the one-dimensional equations in x direction where there is no acceleration and the one-dimensional equations in the y direction where there is acceleration. 4. The x direction doesn't even know y In the x direction, if I throw an object like this the x direction simply, very boringly, moves with a constant velocity. 5. Now I can write down, in the x direction, Newton's Second Law. 6. Ax which is the unit vector in the x direction, y plus Ay y roof Z plus Az Z roof. 7. If instead the traveller goes along the y axis to Libreville, Quito is found to lie in the x direction. 8. And that will decrease the speed-- this component in the x direction. 9. Look at the excursion that this object made from equilibrium in the x direction. 10. For simplicity, we assume E to be in the X direction and to vary sinusoidally in the Y direction. 11. Now what I want to find,actually, V is what are these two vectors, let's call them U and V, that correspond to moving a bit in the x direction or in the y direction? 12. This effect can arise, for instance, on a machine-tool compound slide, where the top slide is moving in the X direction, while the cross slide is simultaneously moving in the Y direction. 13. Now I want to do the same in the x direction for time t. 14. I have here a spray paint can which is suspended between two springs, and I can oscillate it vertically, which is your x direction, like that. 15. F dx which in this case is obviously the velocity in the x direction, because this is a one-dimensional problem. 16. The inertia terms and those relating to conduction in the X direction were also negligible. 17. And the frictional force, in this case will adjust itself just the right way so that Newton's Second Law in the x direction will give you, for the force, a zero. 18. And if they travel the same distance then this trip must take longer in the x direction that determines how long it will take to go from here to there. 19. Second... Newton's Second Law: ma this is the only force in the x direction. 20. There is no acceleration in the y direction, only in x direction when it starts moving, and that's why we split it. 21. And now I have to know how the object moves in the x direction as a function of time and how it behaves as a function of time in the y direction. 22. And where we have this kind of a problem we will decompose it in two one-dimensional motions, one in the x direction and one in the y direction.