dower造句 1. She was drinking all day by the dower. 2. The dower of the woman is very much. 3. Dower, John . War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War . 1986. 4. Let her beauty be her wedding dower, for me and my possessions she esteems not. 5. The father pulled the Dower husband Lord once to be appointed English finance minister.英文造句iddmagricoladata transfer ratedata manipulationdata flowdata dictionarydata definitiondata conversiondata busphilistinismcongregationalistadministrative officialin its own rightthomas mooreabominable snowmanloiter aboutfructosaminesheetrockbusiness communitya running commentaryadministrative costpernodwoodenwareperineurallibel onknife thrustsaddlebackchange-overtetanus antitoxin