快好知 kuaihz

steak tartare造句
1. All this was a lifetime away from steak tartare. 2. I pointed out to him that steak tartare is not a test of a kitchen. 3. When he saw that Rostang had no steak tartare on his menu, he sulked. 4. Steak tartare is a meat dish made from raw? 5. Steak Tartare is a meat dish made from raw? 6. The Russians adopted it into their own cuisine with the name "Steak Tartare, " ( Tartars being their name for the Mongols). 7. During this period the Russian steak tartare was brought back to Germany and called "tartare steak." 8. I asked the captain if some one in the kitchen could improvise steak tartare, and of course some one could. 9. We went to dinner a few more times, always at places that served steak tartare. 10. On one occasion in a restaurant he ordered a steak tartare. 11. Mr. Redzepi among his cooks in the densely staffed Noma kitchen. The two cooks in the foreground are preparing a steak tartare dish. 12. He thinks for a minute before responding, "I did a film in the Borneo rainforest, and I had to eat steak tartare in the Borneo rainforest. The meat had all gone off."