快好知 kuaihz

1. And P 3 PL is a sensitive indicatrix. 2. The indicatrix system of measuring items is reduced by factor analysis and the common factors are explained properly. 3. First of all, the system of measure indicatrix on reliability of RCN is found. 4. The performance indicatrix of the full-scope simulator for Qinshan 300 MW nuclear power unit is described. 5. The refractivity indicatrix is a new optical indicatrix of crystal. 6. The level of BNP was the important indicatrix of the CHF diagnose and therapeutic effect. 7. Then basing on the system of measure indicatrix on reliability of RCN, multilevel fuzzy set is given. 8. Based on the geometric meaning of Dupin's indicatrix, the local cutting condition is analyzed to meet two conditions of the optimal cutting orientation. 9. This paper discusses types, performance indicatrix, electric property, wiring standard and method for couple cross. 10. The content of linalool was regarded as important indicatrix estimating hop aroma in beer. 11. The crystal axes and the principal stress axes are obtained from the optical indicatrix axes manually by turning the projection diagram as usual. 12. In this paper , for a analysis to conceptual comprehension of grown-up college, extent of teaching evaluation and structure of first and second rating indicatrix system. 13. It is sure that the analytical methods of the preparation can control the quality of the preparation through investigating the three indicatrix. 14. Macroporous resin absorbent technique was also be investigated with ferulic acid and pharmacological indicatrix. 15. Objective:To study a determining method of systolic time interval and to provide an objective indicatrix of ventricular systolic function. 16. In contrast to a Fresnel surface with double sheets, an indicatrix one is simple. 17. Methods: By animal's experimentation , to check the change of baicalin indicatrix component of Padix Suctllariae. 18. Long-term machine collection of plasma to observe the effects of hematology indicatrix and immunity. 19. Methods:By animal's experimentation, to check the change of baicalin, the indicatrix component of Padix Suctllariae. 20. Objective Long - term machine collection of plasma to observe the effects of hematology indicatrix and immunity. 21. In this paper, authors have developed the optimal control algorithm of the trajectory planning of robot taking the shortest movement time as a quality indicatrix.