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1, These stupas consist of Mandala with five Buddhas. 2, The mandala of between machine available conveyor inferiorly. 3, General, the monks have been making this mandala of sand for many days. 4, In the previous section I interpreted Bhu - mandala as a planisphere map. 5, The artists begin at the center of the mandala and work outward. 6, We can compare Bhu - mandala with an astronomical instrument called an astrolabe, popular in the Middle Ages. 7, We begin with the architectural features of the Mandala, which suggest appearance, meanings and symbols. 8, Symbolically the deity confers the initiations and the mandala is where the initiations takes place. 9, Mandala is a concentric diagram having spiritual and ritual significance in Hindu and Buddhist Tantrism. 10, Thus Bhu - mandala does refer to something flat, but it's not the Earth. 11, The so-called Mandala, is named "mandara" in Sanskrit, which literally means concentrically encircling. 12, Descriptions, of Bhu - mandala have features that identify it as a model of the solar system. 13, The mandala is a formal geometric pattern of a ground plan of a sacred mansions. 14, Do these Monk's Mandala tours have some other purpose than an art display? 15, Here's another way to look at Bhu - mandala that also shows that it's not a flat - Earth model. 16, In the sun, in the most gorgeous die surrounded by next die,[http:///mandala.html]but be elated Mi open to the mandala. 17, In oriental philosophy and religion many devices like the mandala are used for the mind to meditate upon. 18, Drepung Loseling lamas will simultaneously begin construction of a Medicine Buddha sand mandala. 19, Let's consider the four ways of seeing the Bhagavatam ~ descriptions of the Bhu - mandala . 20, They are making a piece of art called a mandala. 21, The Kalachakra deity resides in the center of the mandala. 22, But is it? Let's consider the four ways of seeing the Bhagavatam ~ descriptions of the Bhu - mandala . 23, The tea - can prevent tannins overflow, make more glycol, not the mandala flavour unsmooth bitter, still can drink after cool. 24, There was once a time that venues such as those were my mandala halls! 25, Chapter V of this innovative research, and to raise the Mandala graphic art in the design of modern thinking. 26, The altruistic motivation of the artist and sponsor is essential to the creation of mandala. 27, This is the third of the four interpretations of Bhu - mandala .