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1. In agriculture carried out rotation of Dicotyledon and Monocotyledon. 2. The herbicidal activity on dicotyledon weeds is better than on monocotyledon weeds. 3. In general the monocotyledon is more difficult than dicotyledon in tissue culture. 4. The total effective rate against corn field grass family , dicotyledon , cyperaceae weeds can be higher than 86 , and it is safe to corn and soybean crops . 5. In angiosperms there are 475 species of monocotyledon and 567 species of dicotyledon. 6. The microcapsule can be widely used for preventing and controlling monocotyledonous weeds in dicotyledon crop field. 7. In addition, the same P1943-GUS fusion construct was introduced into tobacco to analyze its specificity in dicotyledon. 8. Rice is a short-day (SD) monocot, whereas cucumber is a mid-day (MD) dicotyledon. 9. Results Besides the similar structure of the perennial herbaceous dicotyledon, there were a lot of fibers and calcium oxalate crystals in the plant. 10. Of monocotyledon there are 270 species of graminaceous plants and 115 species of sedge plants, and of dicotyledon there are 212 legume plants and 54 composite plants. 11. In dry weather, the water cells lose its water and bring about the leaf rolling up. This adaptability is unusual in dicotyledon. 12. The turf fibre cover is provided with the fertilizer, bactericidal agent and dicotyledon herbicide. 13. The Gramineae and Cyperaceae were Locustae's main host. The Dicotyledon could be temporary host, however , it was bad for Locustae to grow up, breed and so on. 14. The results showed that Rhododendronous physiological and morphological responses to alkali and Iron deficit were similar to dicotyledon and monocotyledon of non - graminaceae.