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1) Conclusion There were reversible airway obstruction in CVA patientsand pulmonary function test was and effective method. 2) In the nonlinear situation, CVA utilized weights for maximum pertinency in variable field. However, PCA, FDA, and PLS are all belong to the liner system. 3) Methods: CVA and CT were performed in 128 patients with hyperacute and acute ischemic stroke. 4) Objective:To observe the long term effect of the myoelectric controlled stimulation with hyperbaromeric oxygenation in cerebrovascular accident(CVA). 5) Objective: The aim of this study was to compare safety and efficacy of bambuterol with terbutaline in school children with cough variant asthma (CVA ). 6) Objective To observe the clinical effect and side effect of continuous venous analgesia(CVA) with butorphanol in the patients undergoing total hip replacement. 7) The causes lie in short of understanding of CVA,[http:///cva.html] ignorance of overall analysis. 8) Methods Cerebrovascular Hemodynamics Analyzer ( CVA ) examinations were performed in 32 patients with carotid transient ischemic attacks. 9) Canonical variate analysis(CVA) is applied to identify a state space model in linear space and state information is extracted. 10) There are no CVA masses, not is there any tenderness. 11) Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of compound methoxyphenamine hydrochloride in cough variant asthma(CVA) treatment. 12) Objective: Discuss the function about acupuncture points injects for instauration of patients muscle power with CVA. 13) At present, therapists usually apply single transfer of control key points or pull of inhibitory points to treat hemiplegia patients in the early CVA rehabilitation spasticity stage. 14) Conclusion Bambec and Magan Keli Can the effective treatment the child CVA. 15) To find out the special agnostic criterions of cough variability asthma ( CVA ) through differential diagnosis. 16) Objective To investigate the characteristics of pulmonary function in cough variant asthma ( CVA ). 17) Conclusions: The above mentioned rehabilitation therapy is effective for the convalescence of CVA patients. 18) Objectives To observation Bambec and Magan Keli treats the child CVA jointly the curative effect. 19) Meanwhile, when there no trap happens, a new adaptive stopping rule for CVA is proposed which is based on comparing the maximum likelihood path with the best maximum likelihood tail-biting path.