快好知 kuaihz

social assistance造句
1. Family, school, government and social assistance. 2. We will improve social assistance. 3. During this period of social assistance to the later made a profound insight. 4. Chapter two probed into the right view that social assistance right reflects. 5. China's basic medical insurance system also combines social assistance programs with personal accounts. 6. The problem of urban poverty and the social assistance has changed enormously since the System for ensuring a minimum standard of living was introduced in changzhou city. 7. In a functioning democracy an established right to social assistance could not have been so easily—and so swiftly—dropped. 8. Chapter three analysed emphatically the key idea the social assistance right. 8.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 9. The power of social assistance from various social strata, all walks of life. 10. Internationally social assistance system has developed for 400 years from that time when The Elizabethan Poor Law was promulgated in England. 11. Social assistance thoughts can be roughly classified into three kinds in society, Charity and gift ideas , Utopian socialism and Fair. 12. We can treat lone parents as poor people, needing means-tested social assistance of some sort - as we do now. 13. Chapter four put forward the whole idea of building the way of right of social assistance. 14. A large number of dropout children have returned to school , thanks to government and social assistance.