快好知 kuaihz

1, They gave him a ribbing about his accent. 2, He took a lot of ribbing from other members of the crew. 3, I got quite a lot of ribbing from my team-mates. 4, He liked the ribbing on the cuffs of the sweater. 5, What's the matter? Can't you take a little ribbing? 6, It lacks the strong ribbing seen on many brachiopods. 7, His craft just keeps getting better, his gentle ribbing of modern human existence ever-more incisive. 8, If you use a ribbing attachment, again, knit at the lowest stitch size. 9, Am I advocating ribbing as a coping strategy? 10, His ribbing was gentle but persistent. 11, Am I advocating ribbing as a coping strategy? Absolutely. 12, Ribbing a friend for being helplessly in love. 13, Despite the preceding ribbing,[http:///ribbing.html] I don't want to be accused of piling on. 14, You're ribbing me, Simkin. 15, He takes a good ribbing, ie can accept being teased. 16, Despite the preceding ribbing, I do not want to be accused of piling on. 17, You know , I was ribbing you the day about getting a job. 18, Ribbing longitudinal streaks that do not flow out on a painted strip. 19, As every after-dinner speaker knows, a toast to the guests requires a gentle ribbing of the guests. 20, It was a sincere compliment and a funny one, since Hillary had taken a lot of good-natured ribbing for saying she had had imaginary conversations with Mrs. Roosevelt.