快好知 kuaihz

1. I ate too quickly and got hiccoughs. 2. You can usually get rid of hiccoughs by drinking water very quickly. 3. But such shenanigans were mere hiccoughs compared with what was going on with Labour. 4. Every hiccough of our sewers costs us a thousand francs. 5. One hiccough , an unexpected bill , a layoff of one breadwinner and they will be in danger of losing their home . 6. Why don't governments tell the cattle that there are restrictions on hiccough? 7. Objective: To observe the curative effect of Decoction of Xuanfu-Daizhe on refractory hiccough and systematically evaluate it domestically so as to provide the theory evidence for application. 8. Even during the stockmarket crash of 1929, there was a mere hiccough before prices sailed higher.