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(1) His representative work is piano recomposition. (2) Note that the dynamic recomposition in terms of building composite applications out of existing services is key. (3) Recomposition or context change. (4) The last Chapter analyze future trend of the recomposition of the fifth-generation movies with the cultural change in the post new times. (5) In fact, the recomposition of film and TV plays of Jin Yong since the 1990s is the reflection of visual art between literature, society, and times. (6) The stochastic inversion based on reservoir attribute recomposition is an effective method for reservoir characterization and prediction. (7) The oxidation and molecular recomposition proceeded in the same time, when the isobutanol gas and air passed the fixed bed catalytic reactor continuously. (8) There are some more promulgation methods, such as recomposition films, TV plays or cartoons. Middle school Chinese teaching makes Sunli's novels very popular among student... (9) Using tiles with frames helps you organize the common elements in the Web site for a consistent site layout and provide simple steps for recomposition. (10) This regarding lived at the profession, will be a recomposition pattern opportunity. (11) The installation, in a simple form, completes the deconstruction and recomposition of multi-media information. (12) Based on the basic principles of wavelet transform, the decomposition and recomposition of ultrasonic signals about pipeline defect is analyzed. (13) The research demonstrates the theoretical and practical significance of wavelet analysis in decomposition and recomposition of GPS data. It is an important mathematical tool for GPS data processing. (14) Became the indeterminacy of separated result exists in BSS algorithm, it will make mistakes in the recomposition from separated signals. (15) However, as Hong Kong constant deep index of unripe index and Shanghai is achieved time and again breathtaking drop, plute people order of seats also is thrown into confusion already recomposition . (16) Studies still images, daily ads, image design, animation, movie, network, virtual technology, recomposition of every type of painting, characters, sound, and design aesthetics. (17) In this system , the signal is decomposed on different frequency bands, then data compression and data recomposition are performed respectively. (18) The author maintains that the harbour group, with the basic conditions and recomposition for the better, is bound to have a new group effect. (19) Lastly, the final forecasting result is attained via the wavelet-package recomposition of all child-load-serials forecasting results . (20) For different genetic locations the results of amplification show diversities which result from mutation and recomposition of genomes, so RAPD can identify genomes.