快好知 kuaihz

clean bill of health造句
1) He's been given a clean bill of health by the doctor. 2) Inspectors gave the factory a clean bill of health. 3) Maddox was given a clean bill of health. 4) The doctor gave him a clean bill of health. 5) The building was given a clean bill of health by the surveyor. 6) Doctors gave him a clean bill of health after a series of tests and examinations. 7) They gave it a clean bill of health. 8) Charles ended up with a clean bill of health and a parking ticket. 9) The influential Bell study gave them largely a clean bill of health as a model for determining disputes concerning entitlement to benefit. 10) Maddox was given a clean bill of health by his doctor. 11) If the ship was given a clean bill of health, Customs Officials went on board. 12) A clean bill of health has certainly helped, while the catches, crucially, have been sticking. 13) And with a clean bill of health, Granato is promising to be same kind of performer he always was. 14) Clean bill of health for the mobile! 15) The new drug was given a clean bill of health. 16) The doctor gave me a clean bill of health after my medical examination. 17) President Mitterrand, 75, has been given a clean bill of health by doctors in Paris. 18) Weeks later, the doctor gave me a clean bill of health. 19) The government doctor gave Jim a clean bill of health after the checkup. 20) The inspectors gave the ship a clean bill of health. 21) Of 30 countries inspected for airline safety, only 17 received a clean bill of health. 22) Three months after the operation, the doctors gave her a clean bill of health. 23) He's been off the wagon ever since his doctor gave him a clean bill of health. 24) Henry was suspected in the theft, but the police gave him a clean bill of health. 25) Whatever happens, he will need several months of brain scans before getting clean bill of health. 26) I just had a medical examination and the doctor gave me a clean bill of health.