快好知 kuaihz

1. Therefore, improving ITO powder quality an evitable road. 2. Therefore, improving ITO powder quality is an evitable road. 3. The issue of intellectual property right is an evitable problem during digital library construction. 4. An in evitable development trend of tumor therapeutics is to establish a perfect therapeutic appraisable method of evidence based oncology. 5. The authors think that community participation is the evitable choice of nature reserve's conservation and development. 6. The issue of copyright is an evitable problem during the construction of digital college library. 7. This attribute of administrative ethics determines the evitable way to build administrative ethics. 8. Systemized ethics is the evitable choice of the history development. 9. The issue of intellectual property right an evitable problem during digital library construction. 10. The in evitable end may not be as catastrophic as some people fear. 11. It is evitable that the customer have a sense of estrangement to the brand after the price reduction. 12. Contemporary Chinese luxury consumption is the in evitable product of change of system and social reform, it need to be guided and performed reasonably and we should advocate savings culture. 13. So, it is evitable to intensify the training of employees' skill. 14. Its problems may be the in evitable problems of trying something with such sheer scope. 15. Such a small stress imposed on the low-pressure long turbine blade combined with its evitable corrosive environment contributing to the corrosion fatigue effect. 16. With the development of agricultural management, the commercial computerization has become the evitable trend. 17. Absolute judicial justice is an ideal while relative judicial justice is an evitable defect of the jurisdiction based on statute law. 18. So the private enterprise CSR is arousing more and more attention, and the trend of strengthening government supervision also becomes much more evitable. 18.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 19. Results: Most of the patients have basic understanding on medical dispute and think it is evitable. 20. Because of the limit of network bandwidth and data-packet capacity, the multiple channel transfer is evitable.