circularize造句1. They have been circularized with regard to the new design.
2. Radial burns can also be used to circularize an elliptical orbit.
3. We used to take it in turn to circularize small delicacies which my mom had made down from the big house to the little cottage where Aunt Stephia and one age colored maid spent their days.
4. All regions and departments should timely circularize the difficulties and problems they have met in the implementation to the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant departments.
5. Today, parcels of cup fibers circularize calls on laser beams of light.
6. As your trapezius skin drops, lift the top of your chest and "circularize your armpit chest" more.
7. The "circularize the armpit chest" action also incorporates taking the shoulder blades forward into chest.
8. One direction given in Iyengar parlance to help establish the proper movement in the chest is to "Circularize the armpit chest."
9. When they arrive at apogee, they must bum again to circularize their path.
10. The maritime administrative institution shall, after receipt of the report, timely circularize the abovementioned information to the port administrative department at the locality of the port.