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language feature造句
1. Although the authentic language feature implies a high passive vocabulary, the active vocabulary is only 600 words. 2. When a language feature scares its users, it's time for a change. 3. One vector by which one language feature invites another is when a new feature increases the pressure to add an unrelated "convenience feature." 4. Many programmers will find that their favorite language feature is not present and indeed some may feel that the language is not yet usable for lack of certain features common in other languages. 5. You'll employ another elegant JavaScript language feature, associative arrays, to translate your state table directly into code. 6. The Java implementation of this language feature uses an interface-like structure with some special extensions to the Java language syntax. 7. Groovy offers an innocuous but powerful language feature — closures — without which the Platypus would never be able to lay an egg. 8. Use XML as much as possible: Where a language feature already exists in XML, don't duplicate or reinvent it. 9. It's easy to look at a new language feature and see only the good code that it will enable. 10. Because the risk of introducing a bad language feature is so high, language designers need to be conservative when making the cost-benefit analysis of whether the good outweighs the bad. 11. Annotations are a new language feature provided as part of JSR-175. 12. Another new language feature is to add default methods to interfaces like Collection. 13. A true language feature should also include an editor -- whether an extension of an existing editor or one built from the text editing framework -- to support your language. 14. Furthermore, there are a number of additional capabilities -- ones you should consider when developing a language feature -- that go beyond transformation from the model to code. 15. JavaFX was designed to be amenable to the "lambda" language feature planned for Java SE 8. 16. Paralanguage, a special feature of nonverbal communication, is a language feature worth studying and is one of the important subjects in pragmatics. 17. As a branch of English for Specific Purposes, Business English language feature has significant linguistic characteristics. 18. InfoQ: Introducing your book Bob Lee, creator of Guice, says that DI support will eventually become just another language feature, "a construct for importing instances". 19. Often, mixins are added to a language as an independent language feature, as is done in Jam. 20. After couple of years of development, the PHP team will release the next generation of the PHP engine with many new language feature, such as namespaces and closures. 21. The problem is compounded by the fact that synchronization is a built-in language feature. 22. The existence of a well-motivated use case was considered a strong argument for inclusion of a language feature. 23. However, such concerns are important when you design a new language feature or a new library.