快好知 kuaihz

1) He was huddled with John trying to jump-start his car. 2) Congress hopes the tax cut will jump-start the economy. 3) Ferdinand, who missed her first four shots, helped jump-start an 18-4 run with seven straight points. 4) It was thirty-five below, he had to jump-start the backhoe. 5) It was fairly simple to devise an educational jump-start for her. 6) Jump-start your calcium intake by filling your coffee mug with skim or 1 percent milk, drinking it down to the level you want in your coffee, then pouring in your caffeine fix. 7) The government has promised to jump-start the plan by encouraging agencies to use it for everything from taxes and veterans benefits to reserving campsites at national parks. 8) How to get a jump-start: Get to know established midwives and doulas in your area and ask if you can witness a birth or postpartum counseling session to see if the field's for you. 9) Economists said the government was attempting to jump-start a consumer loan market whose frozen state is threatening to exacerbate a looming recession. 10) Instead, patients get a cocktail of therapies to jump-start their brain. 11) The Patrick administration has already invested$1 million to jump-start four proposed wood-burning plants in Russell, Greenfield, Springfield and Pittsfield. 12) Longer-term, these flows will jump-start asset reflation,[http:///jump-start.html] which will be extended by the greater productivity of assets under private-sector than public-sector management. 13) This could help jump-start the market in these currently unsellable assets. 14) Partnerships in key technologies could do much to jump-start private investment. 15) Jump-start your calcium intake by filling your coffee mug with fat-free or 1 percent milk. 16) To jump-start your career search, jot down two lists: one listing what you're good at, and one of things you love to do. 17) The video cover says it includes two 40-minute fitness workouts plus an extra 10-minute jump-start mini workout. 18) When I speak, I tell my audiences, "As you get out of bed each morning and stumble into the bathroom, jump-start each day with a positive attitude. 19) Start-up grants and government-sponsored research centers would be one way to jump-start vertical farming. 20) Expect him to urge Mr. Obama to be aggressive and creative in trying to jump-start lending — and to avoid the rosy predictions that have made the Bush administration appear to be out of touch. 21) Thanks to a busy lifestyle (who's got time for spontaneous sex?) and hormonal changes, Cooperation stage women and men need kissing and caressing to jump-start desire. 22) Even in the huge $14 trillion-plus U.S. economy, that should be enough to jump-start economic activity and raise justifiable fears of runaway inflation. 23) By starting your day setting your 10 top goals you jump-start your creativity — which will motivate you for the rest of the day. 24) But now, as then, powerful forces are ideologically opposed to the whole idea of government action on a sufficient scale to jump-start the economy. 25) If this is your first project that uses MDD, bringing in experts to jump-start the team is a good choice. 26) Designed sprag overrunning clutch is key component between output of gas jump-start engine and input of jet engine. 27) Other nations are trying various economic measures to either jump-start their economies or lessen the impact of recessions. 28) This article does not replace these offerings; it simply introduces the reader to CMM and provides tips to jump-start your process improvement model. 29) Charlie, if the emotion of the moment is jobs, jobs, jobs, how do we jump-start that?