快好知 kuaihz

1. I've broken the whatchamacallit on my bag. 2. I need a - a whatchamacallit - one of those things that you can caramelize sugar with. 3. The guy was wearing one of those whatchamacallits on his head. 4. Nonsense words of the whatchamacallit type provide an extra resource to keep listeners informed of our word retrieval problems. 5. Uncle had whatchamacallit for me ----charisma. I don't really trust that word. It sounds like some disease. 6. Bring me the whatchamacallit so I can loose this bolt. 7. Li Hua, you can't just start calling everything a whatchamacallit! 8. I forget what the thing I need is called, so I just call it a whatchamacallit.