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1. Plicate carpel 6 ~8, initiated in a whorl simultaneously. 2. A flower may contain more than one carpel. 3. Carpel The female reproductive organ of a flowering plant. 4. The browning of Yali pear appear carpel at first , and then appear core and flesh. 5. A gynoecium with only one carpel is called monocarpellary; with two or more separate carpel, apocarpous; and with fused carpels syncarpous. 6. Green Grams ovary consists singe carpel, one locule, cantaining 9 - 13 campylotropous ovules bearing at the marginal placentation. 7. The carpel closed toward and connected with the ovary central column to form axile placentation since mid October. 8. General believing, the multi - carpel wooden orchid aceae plant is the angiosperm most primitive class group. 9. Gynoecium ( pl . gynoecia ) The CARPEL or carpels of a flower. 10. Green Grams ovary consists of singe carpel, one locule, cantaining 9—13 campylotropous ovules bearing at the marginal placentation. 11. The almond fruit was developed from solitary carpel in the superior ovary which there were the border placenta and amphitropous ovule. 12. Style The stalklike portion of a carpel, joining the ovary and the stigma. 13. Configuration feature: The flower has leaf , carpel and style rely on closely to close. 14. A dry, dehiscent fruit composed of more than one carpel. 15. The nectary originates from the several outer layer cells of base of carpel primordia. 16. Hesperidium (pl. hesperidia) A type of berry with a leathery epicarp, as in oranges and lemons. Each carpel forms a segment of the fruit, filled with fluid-filled trichomes, See berry.