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task list造句
1, Molly: Well, put it on your task list. 2, How to: Create Task List Comments. 3, The task list file is a plain text file. 4, Task list to switch to any active program. 5, The user has selected the task list. 6, Completes the quarterly priority task list as assigned. 7, This operation will import task list and global program settings from backup file. 8, From task list: Capture a specific app from task list. 9, Listing 10 shows a sample task list file containing three VM deployment tasks, the last task (win2003vm2.task) will not be processed by the VDM because of having been commented out. 10, User can load task list to Daily Scheduler for easy scheduling. 11, For more information, see How to: Control the Task List. 12, Tool window - specific objects, such as the Task List, Output window, and Toolbox. 13, The Task List displays comments in your code on work to be done. 14, To-do list: Read over my current task list; prune stuff that doesn't matter any more; re-prioritize items to work on next week. 15, Task List also displays a default task token, such as TODO, HACK, or UNDONE, or a custom comment token. 16, Create a short - task list - things that could be done in five minutes or less. 17, For more information,[http:///task list.html] see How to: Create Task List Comments. 18, On the right, the Task List shows the active task. 19, Ultimate replacement of standard task list, which called by menu - key long press. 20, Mylyn's Task List can now be used as a single in-box for all your tasks, allowing you to unclutter your e-mail inbox by turning off e-mail notifications," Kersten said. 21, Task List entry to jump directly to the comment line in your code. 22, You can also list all the VM deployment tasks in the task list file and ask the VDM to process all the tasks in that list sequentially. 23, This task is automatically added to the Comments list the Task List. 24, Many developers simply look at a functional specification to carve out a task list. 25, Contains links to topics that describe how to use the Error List and the Task List. 26, On a larger scale, such as for ubiquitous capture and weekly planning, I rely on technology, but I then use that large-scale system to form a daily task list on paper. 27, The manager clicks on the alert, and the portal displays his current task list which now includes the task to approve the employee's travel. 28, If your boss insists that you take on the project, go over your project or task list and ask him/her to re-prioritize, explaining that there's only so much you can take on at one time.